Top 5 Wedding Songs for 2023

September 27, 2023

I don't have access to information beyond my last update in September 2021, so I can't provide the specific top wedding songs for 2023. However, I can suggest five popular and timeless wedding songs that have been consistently used at weddings and are likely to remain popular in 2023:

1. "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran: This romantic ballad has been a favorite at weddings for its heartfelt lyrics and beautiful melody.

2. "All of Me" by John Legend: John Legend's soulful love song has become a classic choice for wedding ceremonies and first dances.

3. "Marry Me" by Train: This song's title alone makes it a fitting choice for a wedding. Its sweet and sentimental lyrics have made it a popular wedding song for years.

4. "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri: Featured in the "Twilight" movie series, this song has a dreamy quality that makes it a perfect choice for wedding ceremonies and receptions.

5. "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley: A timeless classic, this song has been a beloved choice for generations of couples, and its enduring appeal makes it a great option for weddings in 2023 and beyond.

While these songs have been popular choices, remember that the best wedding song for your special day is one that holds personal significance for you and your partner. Feel free to choose a song that reflects your unique love story and style. Additionally, consider consulting with your wedding DJ or musician for recommendations based on the current music trends in 2023.